
商品詳細介紹Product Introduction


NC Series


U-LIFE NC series of oily metal cutting oil, refined by the base oil to add special high-performance lubricating additives, extreme pressure and anti-rust agent of the excellent cutting oil, cutting effect is good. At the same time, with excellent stability, increased use for a long time is not easy to degenerate, to improve the workpiece precision and surface smoothness. Increase production efficiency and reduce costs.

 Type   NC-350   NC-380   NC-580 



商品注意事項Product Notes

▲ 使用產品時請依照建議比例及使用說明書之方法操作。
▲ 金屬研削油是現有產品的典型性能,如遇特殊材料,可洽業務人員諮詢。
▲ 所有金屬研削油均通過SGS RoHS認證。
▲ 使用金屬研削油請依照SDS物質安全資料表指示做適當防護。